About Jane Lead
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Jane Lead (1624-1704) Christian mystic, prophet, visionary, and prolific writer, whose divinely inspired writings are designed to lead holy and faithful souls toward attaining the highly coveted First-Resurrection-state. Called by God at age 16, her entire adult life was occupied with the interior path, and in writing down the many visions and revelations that she was blessed to receive. Her most foundational work is perhaps The Heavenly Cloud, where she leads the soul to discover the different states it must pass through: mystical death, resurrection, ascension, and glorification. 

Biography at Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia

Biography at New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge

Autobiography of Jane Lead. At the request of her European publisher, Jane submitted a short bio (15 paragraphs) published in 1696. The original English version is not extant. However an English translation was commissioned by Prof. Sarah L. Green at the University of Bristol for her dissertation, ‘Satan at Noon:’ John Pordage and the Politics of Heresy (2021). Jane's  Autobiography appears in Vol. 2, "Appendices" (Appendix 18).

Literary Criticism at Enotes.com

Jane Lead Chronology. Timeline of important events in Jane life, mostly historical information, however, it will be expanded to include significant events in her spiritual progression as well.

Original 17th Century books. Digitized images of the original books can be viewed and downloaded at Archive.org.

Jane Lead's Drawing of the Flaming Eye.


John Pordage (1607-1681) Anglican priest, medical doctor, and a man of deep mystical thought and experience. He and Jane formed a close spiritual alliance, and after the death of her husband, Jane moved into Pordage's communal home, where other like-minded souls lived and gathered in order to pray, study, and wait upon the Spirit. His best known work is Theologia Mystica, where he gives an account of the Divine Origin of all things, which he names the Globe of Eternity, or the Original Globe. 

Biography at Wikipedia

Biography at Berkshire History

Biography at Absoluteastronomy.com

Theologia Mystica Text, Spirit's Day Version. Features paragraph numbering and updating of archaic words. Edited by Diane Guerrero.

Theologia Mystica. Digital images of the original book.

John Pordage Letter to Jane Lead. This letter from Pordage to Mrs. Lead appears in Carl Jung's Psychology of the Transference, and was transcribed and offered to the Jane Lead Website by Wayne Kraus at Jacob Boehme Online.

Pordage image is from an engraving by William Faithorne, circa 1650's. Image courtesy Wikipedia.com.


Jacob Boehme (1575-1624 ) German mystic whose highly illuminated writings deeply influenced Jane Lead and others of the Philadelphian Society. John Pordage had already studied Boehme for some time before he met Mrs. Lead, eventually introducing them to her. Interestingly, Jane was born the same year Boehme died, almost suggesting that the "mantle" was being passed on. Boehme tells us that his treastise on The Three Principles of the Divine Essence is the foundation for understanding all his other works.

Biography at Wikipedia

Biography at Notable Names Database

Biography at Encyclopedia Britannica, 9th Edition

Biography at New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge

The Life and Legacy of Jacob Boehme. Documentary film by Lukasz Chwalko takes us through Boehme's life and ideas in an academic journey. It is the first documentary made about one of the most influential mystics of Western esotericism. It explains important elements of his writings and presents the extensive impact of his ideas in the world. It does not avoid addressing the complicated themes of theology, philosophy and literature.

Article on The English Behemists. File stored at ExLibris.org.

Timeline of Jacob Boehme's life by the Jacob Boehme Institue.

Jacob Boehme by Abraham von Frankenberg. The Life and Death of Jacob Behmen, as told by his intimate friend. Published in 1651. One may detect the "White Stone" in this purely written biography.
Transcribed by Wayne Kraus at Jacob Boehme Online. 

Jacob Boehme by W.P. Swainson. Titled, Jacob Boehme, The Teutonic Philosopher, published in 1921. Biography of the German mystic, which also offers a concise treatment of his teachings about the Three Principles, the Creation, the Fall of Lucifer, Adam's Fall, Adam-Eve, the Atonement and Redemption. Text at the Internet Archive.

Jacob Boehme by Alexander Whyte. Titled, Jacob Behmen, An Appreciation. Excellent introduction to the illuminated cobbler and his writings, published in 1895. Text at the Gutenberg Project.

Three Principles of the Divine Essence by Jacob Boehme, which he tells us is the ABC to all his writings; and that if one reads it carefully, and comes to understand it, he will be able to understand all his other writings as well. Subtitle: Of the Eternal Dark, Light, and Temporary World. Showing what the Soul, the Image and the Spirit of the Soul are: As also what Angels, Heaven and Paradise are. How Adam was before the Fall, in the Fall, and after the Fall, and what the Wrath of God, Sin, Death, the Devils, and Hell are; How all things have been, now are, and how they shall be at the last. Transcribed by Martin Euser. Note: An Alphabetical Index to this work is now available.

177 Theosophic Questions Answered. Boehme's last work. He completed 17 questions but the remainder were left unanswered at the time of his death in 1624. Sixty years later it was finished by a man named Edward Taylor, who is mentioned in Jane Lead's Revelation of Revelations (RR Q:4, SDV). File stored at the Internet Archive.

Jacob Boehme Online by Wayne Kraus. Excellent resource site with free ebooks, images, and diagrams (both black & white and color). Also features the writings of English cleric William Law, the artwork of William Blake, and the Mystical Heart Diagrams of Paul Kaym.

Boehme E-texts and Originals, William Law version, at Scribd.com

Boehme E-texts and Originals at Internet Archive

Portrait of Boehme appears in the book "Two Hundred German Men," by Ludwig Bechstein, published in German in 1854. Image courtesy portrait.kaar.at.


William Law (1686 - 1761) English cleric and mystical writer. In his later years he became a serious student of the writings of Jacob Boehme. He was also familiar with the writings of Jane Lead, and upon his death were found several letters from Francis Lee, Mrs. Lead's son-in-law. It is possible that it was Francis Lee who introduced Law to Boehme's writings. Law's most famous work is perhaps A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life, which should be read by every Christian before they begin a serious pursuit of the mystical path.

Biography at Wikipedia

Power of the Spirit

A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life (worldinvisible.com)

Writings at Internet Archive

Writings at Sermonindex.net


Jeanne "Madame" Guyon (1648-1717) French mystic who's "self" sacrificing life is the subject of her famous Autobiography, in which she details her own mystical death experience. Her writings on the interior life so infuriated the religious establishment of her time, that they sent this meek and delicate soul to the Bastille, where she was locked up for several years. During her imprisonment, and through the foresight of God, she was ordered to write an account of her spiritual life. For the past 300 years her life story has guided many holy souls toward finding this inward path, and in overcoming many difficulties.

Biography at Wikipedia

Biography at New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia or Religious Knowledge

Biography at Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)

Autobiography of Madame Guyon - SDV. Perhaps more than any of her books, God has used her autobiography to help countless hungering souls in the spiritual dying process. Here she writes of her desperate search for God that led to the reception of the Birth of Love; her great sufferings for this Love; and of the mystical death process. (The SDV features paragraph numbering only.)

The Letters of Madame Guyon Valuable spiritual insights taken from her copius personal letters.

The Way to God and of the State of Union. Concise directions concerning the mystical way and the various stages one must pass through.

A Short and Very Easy Method of Prayer (gutenberg.org)

Song of Songs. Madame Guyon's mystical commentary on the Song of Solomon. PDF.

Spiritual Torrents (gutenberg.org)

Other Guyon writings at the Internet Archive (archive.org)

Guyon's portrait. This beautiful depiction of Jeanne Guyon first appeared in the book, Little Journeys to the Homes of Famous Women, Vol. 2, written by Elbert Hubbard, published in 1916. Image courtesy the Gutenberg Project.


Francis Lee (1660 - 1719) Oxford scholar, medical doctor, son-in-law, and mightly defender of Jane Lead. It was Lee who was primarily responsible for publising all of her works, serving also as her editor. Lee also wrote divinely inspired prefaces to some of her writings, which contain many golden nuggets, and also some bits of historical information about Mrs. Lead. His treatise on Divine Wisdom is perhaps his most important work.

On Philadelphian Gold. Extracted from The Theosophical Transactions of the Philadelphian Society, a publication of the pious group which was headed by Jane Lead, with contributions by Francis Lee, Richard Roach and others.

The State of the Philadelphian Society. Digital images of the original book.


The Philadelphian Society 17th Century Christian group in England, which was led by Jane Lead for many years. Intitially organized by John Pordage, Jane assumed leadership upon his death in 1681. The group met privately for a few years, then went public for a few more. They published a periodical called Theosophical Transactions, which consists of five volumes. Jane named Richard Roach as her successor, and the society continued for a short time after her death. Also known as The Society for the Advancement of Piety and Divine Philosophy.

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia

Inaugural Address to the Philadelphian Society. Handwritten by Richard Roach. Transcribed by Arthur and Rosalind Eedle of the Prophetic Telegraph. Text used by permission.

The State of the Philadelphian Society. Digital images of the original book written by Francis Lee.
