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Spirit's Day Studies

Jane Lead's 60 Propositions

Notes & Commentary

(The Q&A's have been moved to a new page)


Every serious student of Bible prophecy understands the times we are in. Through the rapid and electrifying succession of numerous life-changing and world-altering events, the Bible Book of Revelation, so little understood for the past 2,000 years, is now beginning to see its fulfillment. And if certain mysteries depicted in that book are now being fulfilled in this our day, then every serious student of Jane Lead can expect that the mysteries she wrote about will soon have their fulfillment as well.

This commentary on her Propositions (excerpts from her Messages to the Philadelphian Society), is a project that began several years ago. But this Writer had yet to attain to a better understanding of the content, and to experience a number of personal and inward challenges as well. But the Thrice-Holy God, having established a renewed interest and strengthening in Spirit, has now opened the way for this study to come forth.

Contrary to what some are declaring at this time, it is the opinion of this Writer that there is not yet any outward or visible manifestation of the Kingdom that Mrs. Lead describes in the following message. Neither have the Principal Agents of that Kingdom made their appearance in any outward or public manner. But for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, the Kingdom of our Christ it is most definitely on the near horizon.

This Writer does not claim divine inspiration for these Notes & Commentary. However, to say that the Spirit of Christ was not directly involved would be an untruth. For the same Spirit who inspired Mrs. Lead's writings must of necessity also be the Interpreter. Therefore if anyone has a clearer understanding of what was written by Mrs. Lead—this Writer is most willing to be edified.

In His service,

Diane Guerrero
May 3, 2024

Statement of Faith


Studies are uploaded 1-2 per month.
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contact diane@janelead.org

Spirit's Day Studies (SDS) Abbreviations


The 60 Propositions - Full Text

Preface and Introduction - The Elijah-Woman

Prop 1, Pt1 - Apocatastasis, or, Universal Redemption

Prop 1, Pt2 - The Utmost Salvation, or, Spirit, Soul, and Body

Prop 2, Pt1 - A Hidden Mystery, or, The "Mysticism" of Mrs. Lead

Prop 2, Pt2 - Ichabod, or, The Great Apostasy

Prop 2, Pt3 - The Mystery of the Great Comma, or, Waiting in Jerusalem

Prop 3, Pt1 - Shekinah, or, The Promise of the Father

Prop 3, Pt2 - The Holy Seekers, or, Progressive Revelation

Prop 4 - The Apocalyptical Seals, or, Death before Death

Prop 5 - The Great Seal-Opener, or, Open Thou Mine Eyes

Prop 6, Pt1 - Mystery of Redemption, or, Understanding Divine Mysteries

Prop 6, Pt2 - Mystery of Redemption, or, True and False

Prop 6, Pt3 - Mystery of Redemption, or, From Age to Age

Prop 7, Pt1 - Ark of the Testimony - Predestination

Prop 7, Pt2 - Ark of the Testimony - The Counterfeit Kingdom


Coming Soon

Prop 7, Pt 3 - Living Testimonies

Prop 8 - The Philadelphian Church

Prop 9 - The Everlasting Gospel

Prop 10 - The Sounding Trumpet

Prop 11 - The True Church

Prop 12 - The Sealing

Prop 13 - The Secret Selection

Prop 14 - The Virgin Church

Prop 15 - Minority to Maturity

Prop 16 - Great Wonderi in Heaven

Prop 17 - The Virgin's Son

Prop 18 - A Virgin Shall Conceive

Prop 19 - Miraculous Gifts & Powers

Prop 20 - The Universal Church

Prop 21 - The Anointed Church

Prop 22 - The Holy Unction

Prop 23 - The Lord Our Holiness

Prop 24 - Held in the Heavens

Prop 25 - The Bridal Church

Prop 26 - Weighed and Found Wanting

Prop 27 - A New Glorious Church

Prop 28 - Tabernacle of Wisdom

Prop 29 - The Womb of the Morning

Prop 30 - Out from the Wilderness

Prop 31 - The 144,000

Prop 32 - The Spirit of David

Prop 33 - Michael and Moses

Prop 34 - A Prophet Like Unto Moses

Prop 35 - The Principal Persons

Prop 36 - Christ IN His Saints

Prop 37 - Moses, Joshua, Aaron

Prop 38 - Tried Stones

Prop 39 - The Fiery Trial

Prop 40 - Hay, Stubble, Dross

Prop 41 -  Refiner's Fire

Prop 42 - A Perfect Cure

Prop 43 - Another Body

 Prop 44 - Spiritual Government

Prop 45 - The Spirit of Burning

Prop 46 - The Sealing Character

Prop 47 - The Urim and Thummim

Prop 48 - Divine Sight

Prop 49 - A Holy Priesthood

Prop 50 - Abraham and Sarah

Prop 51 - The Spirit of Cyrus

Prop 52 - The Royal Stamp

Prop 53 - The Resurrection of Christ

Prop 54 - The New Jerusalem-State

Prop 55 - New Assignments

Prop 56 - Ascending and Descending

Prop 57 - Gathering of the Sheep

Prop 58 - An Holy Ambition

Prop 59 - Numbering the Firstborn

Prop 60 - Quicken Your Pace